Supporting newcomers & immigrant communities

Migrant mental health encompasses the emotional, psychological, and social challenges faced by individuals who relocate across borders. Migrants often experience pre-migration traumas, uncertainties during transit, and post-migration stressors such as language barriers, financial instability, and discrimination. Adapting to new environments under these circumstances can heighten the risk of anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. Addressing migrant mental health involves trauma-informed and culturally responsive approaches that recognize the unique experiences and resilience of newcomers. Holistic support—through counseling, peer networks, community resources, and collaborative care—can significantly improve mental well-being and foster a sense of belonging in their new homes.

National Resources

Illinois Resources

Mother and daughter hugging
El curso integral, Reimaginando los apoyos de salud mental para inmigrantes, fue creado por la Coalición para la Salud Mental de Inmigrantes y financiado por el Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Illinois (IDHS). Esta capacitación está diseñada para proveedores no relacionados con la salud mental, como trabajadores de primera línea: personal de refugios para migrantes (gerentes de programas, asistentes residenciales, administradores de casos), trabajadores/promotores de salud comunitaria y personal de organizaciones comunitarias que trabajan con recién llegados. El curso se centra en el nivel fundamental de la intervención en salud mental: estrategias universales. Para obtener más información sobre la Coalición para la Salud Mental de Inmigrantes, visite el sitio web aquí.
Mother and daughter hugging

The comprehensive course, Reimagining Mental Health Supports for Migrants, was created by the Coalition for Immigrant Mental Health, and funded by Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS). This training is designed for non-mental health providers, such as front-line workers: migrant shelter staff (program managers, residential aides, case managers), community health workers/promotores and community-based organization staff working with new arrivals. The course focuses on the foundational level of mental health intervention – universal strategies. For more information on the Coalition for Immigrant Mental Health, go to the website here.


This resource guide is part of the Welcoming and Supporting Newcomer Youth Wellness in Schools learning series and provides additional tools to help create welcoming and safe environments for newcomer students and their families. It builds on the foundational knowledge and practical strategies introduced across all three courses in this series.

This short course is part of the Welcoming and Supporting Newcomer Youth Wellness in Schools learning series, the third of three courses that provides fundamental knowledge key to working with newcomers, as well as strategies to support these students and their families. Learn about applying trauma-informed practices to Tier 2 interventions, gain knowledge around resources for crises, and how to build self-care and community care into this work.
This short course is part of the Welcoming and Supporting Newcomer Youth Wellness in Schools learning series, the first of three courses that provides fundamental knowledge key to working with newcomer students and their families. Learn about the important differences in immigration terminology related to pathways to citizenship, work authorization, and access to public benefits, and how contextual factors influence the migration and adaptation process. You will also explore three strategies to effectively support these students and their families within school communities.
This short course is part of the Welcoming and Supporting Newcomer Youth Wellness in Schools learning series, the second of three courses that provides fundamental knowledge essential to working with newcomer students and their families. Building on the foundations set in the first course, you will explore practical strategies to effectively support these students and their families in school communities.
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