I GOT THIS! Stress Management for educators 1.0 CEU

Overwhelmed? Let’s talk about it: what stress is, what causes it, how it manifests in the body, and then some ways to counteract it and some ways to prevent it. This session will be self-reflective with time for participants to work through their own situations and develop plans to help them move forward. Facilitated by […]

Cultivating Your Allies: Creating Collaborative Relationships With Families

Presented by Tracey Serve with Crescent Educational Consultants  In this intensive 90-minute workshop, educators and youth workers will learn to recognize the early signs of burnout and develop proactive strategies to reboot their well-being. Moving beyond basic self-care tips, this workshop emphasizes actionable steps and systemic approaches to refreshing your professional outlook, focusing on both […]

De-escalating Students and Avoiding Power Struggles

Presented by Aleza Berube, M.Ed, with The Stress and Trauma Treatment Center In this professional learning, educators will learn: - to recognize warning signs of students before they escalate. - techniques to use to help students regulate their emotions. - how to respond to an escalated situation to minimize the negative impacts on learning - […]

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