
Check out our on-demand learning to help educators, clinicians, and caregivers better support the mental health and resilience of the youth in our communities. Scroll down to browse topics that include youth mental health, cultural awareness and equity, SEL and more. 

While our courses range in duration from 5 minutes to 2 hours, continuing education credits are free but you do need to register on the Learning & Resource Hub. It only takes a couple minutes and you can register here.

Our courses provide comprehensive information about how trauma impacts students, families, communities and school staff, as well as information on how to mitigate the effects of trauma.

The video below provides examples of our courses. To access these free courses and resources, please register here.

Most courses offer free credit hours available for ISBE Professional Educator License holders, CEUs for Illinois licensed social workers, psychologists and professional counselors, and early childhood and out-of-school providers certified through IDHS.

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