Session 1
Communities of Practice > Facilitators > Session 1
Discussion Board
Overview of Session 1:
- Overview of evidence-based Tier II trauma interventions Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) and Bounce Back
- Learn about best practices for the group formation process for Tier II trauma interventions.
- Reflect on best practices in creating readiness for implementation of Tier II trauma interventions at your school.
- Mental Health Pillar/Journey Learning Series Powerpoint
- Mental and Behavioral Health Screening
- 2023 Landscape Scan on Mental Health Screening Practices in Illinois Schools
- DuPage County Adopts County-Wide Public School Mutual-Aid Emergency Response Agreement
- Crisis Co-Response Team
- Youth Mental Health First Aid
- Out of the Darkness
- Talk Saves Lives
- NAMI Ending the Silence
- It's Real: Teens and Mental Health for High School Students